It took me more than 30 years to finally see that I have often made one obvious mistake about people in general. I believed that how people are off stage is how people are on stage. I made that mistake for so long, because I myself belong to the more ordinary kind of people, in which a deeper understanding about Life pretty much means better performance, work, health, and the way I treat people in general. It also seems to makes more sense.
But really, in many cases we cannot make such equations, because talents and demons belong to another supernatural realm.
Many beautiful musicians play the most deep and touching music like descended angels but they behave terribly outside of the stage and any improvement seems totally unattainable in their life time.
Many truly great spiritual leaders who dedicated their whole life for meditation have suprisingly undifferenciated sense of asthetic and ears for music, which, for many, is the expression of the essence of life.
Many eloquent peace advocators who truly contribute positively to the world carry detrimentally judgemental attitude towards people around them when they are off work, while many who don't give a damn about the world politics constantly emit the most peaceful and inclusive energy to whoever is around them.
Like vegans can be violent people, while butchers and hunters can be the most loving and kind people.
Another classic is that some assholes live a strangely blessed life, as if they live in a realm beyond karma. And they often become leaders. We have all see them and become fascinated by such archetype.
That's why we should not idolize anyone, because 1+1 equals sometimes 99 in God and Demon's realm. And because such obvious splitness exist, Life remains mysterious and continuously reminds us to not make conclusions.
Your unprofessional philosopher