Ancestral Modernism Tri(o)logy is one of the variation of the project realized in 2017, and it unites Lê Quan Ninh, Sori Choi, and me to present free-improvisation, Korean Traditional Music, and Contemporary in solo, duo, and trio form. In 2019 I will continue make another version of this very production with the Japanese singer Junko Ueda, Lê Quan Ninh, and me. Please stay in tune.
Autumn Concerts in 2017:
06.09.17 20:00 Ancestral Modernism Duality, Korean Shaman Music vs Contemporary in Koncertkirken, as part of Copenhagen World Music Festival. Musicians: Sori Choi and Ying-Hsueh Chen. Ticket: 100/50 dkk. FB event/program.
08.09.17 19:30 Ancestral Modernism Singularity: Korean Contemporary vs Korean Traditional Percussion. Sori Choi, solo percussion. Copenhagen World Music Festival. FB event/program.
10.09.17 16:00 Ancestral Modernism Singularity: Lê Quan Ninh, solo free improvisation, Copenhagen World Music Festival. FB event/program.
14.09.17 20:00 Ancestral Modernism Tri(o)logy in Koncertkirken: Contemporary Classic/ Free improvisation/Korean Shaman Music. Lê Quan Ninh, Sori Choi, and me. FB event/program.

©2017 Ying-Hsueh Chen. All rights reserved